The meeting began at 12:05pm. The chairperson welcomed all present and acknowledged the apology of the headteacher who was in another meeting.He thanked the Joytown administration for hosting JOSA.Members present were;
Josa officials
1.Bonface Agola – chairperson
2.Peterson Mwangi- secretary
3.Pauline Thangwa- organising secretary
4.Barack Ounga- committee member
5.Susan Mwangi- committee member
6.Unice Musau- committee member.

Joytfown staff
1.Mrs Kamau- deputy headteacher
2.Kanali Beria- academic senior master
3.Angeline Agik- house mistress
The chair clearly informed of the purpose of the visit- to assess the needs of the school, and Josa will seek for funds from well wishers and sponsors. The following needs were identified.
It was reported that the headteacher wrote the email to the donors and he was awaiting for feedback. He was requested to copy the mail to Josa.
The computers are outdated yet a good number of the students need them for exams. The pupils are advised to buy laptops which are expensive for the parents. The school needs;
-25 stations
-The computer should be disability friendly. Change the set-up and level of the tables.
-efficient internet
-need for special keyboards
-tablets that have M/s office
-a blower
-block windows bringing in dust
-the computer lab should have cameras
-The classrooms need to be repainted,
-most floors are chipped and not friendly especially to wheelchair users who are the majority. Floors need terrazo.
– the classrooms are small to accommodate 30 students. This need arose since most pupils are in wheelchairs. The teachers are not able to attend to students effectively.
-class 8 urgently needs roof repairs because it is leaking. Other classrooms leaking are 6,7 and PP1
4. Photocopying machine the machine in place is old and faulty. The school is forced to outsource for photocopy services especially during exams.
The library has few books which are relevant. There is need for cataloguing of books, change of set up to fit more students. It is unfortunate there is no librarian and the library doubles up as a library and a meeting room.
A number of pupils use diapers adult diapers medium and small size at least 2 per day. They receive from parents and donors but are never enough. The school needs a reliable source.
7.Mosquito nets
Most pupils dont have nets. The nets available are worn out. The school was advised to approach MOH for the nets.
There has been recent theft in the school. The school has a porous fence. There is an urgent need for a chain link fence. The admin was advised to approach the area MP and call on Josa for any back up.
9.Assembly hall
The hall floods because of poor drainage system. There is need for strong additional seats.
10.Man power
The school has few members of support staff and casuals have to be employed. The school is not able to pay the casuals very well so few agree to work there. The staff is overwhelmed. There is one washing machine which really helps. There are 11 operational dorms with 6 permanent house mother and 1 permanent house fathers. The school was advised to seek clarity with the ministry.
After the above deliberations, the chair informed the staff that Josa will identify a few needs that they can deal with.He also stated that Josa had no funding to give right away but would solicit for funds for the projects.
The staff was appreciative of the thought of Josa giving back to the school.
Josa was informed that The salvation army is no longer involved in the funding of the school.
The meeting ended with a prayer from Unice.

Later, Josa officials took a walk round the school meeting pupils, teachers and workers. Josa spoke to the class 8 who were having a party held by Bethany Kids Kijabe.

Josa officials later proceeded to the secondary school. They did not find the headteacher nor the deputy headteacher. They signed the visitors book and promised to visit at a later date.